Shirin’s intention is the reconnection with the light of our soul, with the divine within us and thus improving the quality of our lives by truthfully being.
SOUL FLOW YOGA with Shirin Ourmutchi is derived from the energy of the heart. It is focused on finding and getting a feel for yourself and connecting with the essentials. Yoga practice is energetic and healing for the entire system. Yoga practice acts on all levels – the body, the mind and the soul. Focusing on the energy centers of the body in connection with deep breathing allows the class to be extremely healing.With Pranajama breathing technique, we inevitably cleanse our soul and strengthen ourselves from within. The aim is finding peace within yourself, experiencing felicity and bliss. HEALING MEDITATION The energetic healing power of Shirin takes place on a spiritual level. She opens the heart, clears the mind and transforms old energies and patterns. The soul reveals it self in all it’s greatness and beauty. We get in touch with our true self and we will see things clearer. Healing processes will be activated, karmic entanglements will be dissolved, the spirit will be free. Transformation and expansion of self consciousness on all spiritual levels will be activated. You will experience bliss, inner peace and love. You will remember that you are pure light. Discover also her international Yoga and Holistic Retreats.
ABOUT: The link between Orient and Occident dominates Shirin’s life. Growing up with a Persian father and a German mother, she has learned to connect the opposites and to draw strength from it. Working as an Artist & Photographer for many years, she began to concern 2002 deeper with the Yoga philosophy and practice. 2011 she became a Vinyasa Flow yoga teacher, trained by PatriciaThielemann from Spirit Yoga in Berlin/ Germany. She went to India ( Rishikesh) and spend some deep spirituell & transforming time with the Kundalinis. She was very touched & inspired by the heart & pure light energy. She is trained & spiritually inclined by her teacher Mari Nil /Salubrious Work. Since 2012 she works a an spirituell Healer and shares her soul healing energy in her Yoga classes, Mediations, Woman Circles and One by One Sessions. She is focused on Enlightenment on all Levels of Being and guided by the Spirit of Love!
Xenia Uranova is frame drum artist, musician, instructor, cultural animator, ,yoga and sound-therapy enthusiast. She is the founder of the Frame Drums And Oriental Rhythms School named TaKiTA. Her workshops and musical performances take place in yoga centers, alternative knowledge conventions, musical schools, healing and shamanic festivals, multicultural and self development events.
More about a healing artiss at Agape Zoe Healig art festival Berlin